~ Renée Stern
My Vision …
As life rolls along, so do our evolving visions of who we are, who we want to be and where we want to go.
If I were to choose a vision for myself, it would be the ability to empower people so they can tap into their best selves.
Being able to help others recognize — and leverage — their talents, be it God-given, nurtured, or attained, is a gift I’ve been given to share.
There’s something very magical about uncovering your “it”, your “why”, your “what”. And then feeling it ignite in your belly — in your being.
Popping-the-cork on your talents, lifting shackles of self-doubt, championing well-being-thinking … is what I help people do.”
How? Tools!
You wouldn’t build a house without a hammer, nails, ladder.
So why journey through life without “tools” created to help you navigate through life’s challenges? Whatever is thrown at you!
About 20 years ago I had the good fortune to be introduced to modalities of healing. as part of my own personal life journey.
I now teach and coach these “tools” to help you navigate through life’s zigs and zags.
I’m not here to tell you how to live … or what to believe.
What I do is share — and help you steer!
Our work together is a collaboration that will lead you to fan the flames of your strengths.
Sometimes it’s as simple as viewing situations through a different lens — what we call, finding the amusement!
Other times it’s decimating old programming that may no longer serve you … or, perhaps, never have.
Living on purpose sounds like a cliché.
Yet is it?
More Than Chants …
More than chants, affirmations, and positive thoughts, I found a way to navigate through life’s situations. And, today, I teach those very same “tools” to help shatter barriers on your (ever-changing) path.
Life is not a straight line but a series of twists and turns. Through all the slings and arrows, hindsight taught me that through it all, I still stood. Fact is, the journey is the grit that melds us into who we are.
Life does not ask what we want. It presents us with options.” ~ Thomas Sowell
My turning point came 20 years ago, a single mom, young, vulnerable kids, and a series of crazy events, that didn’t have to be, yet controlled (and stifled) my existence until ‘that’ moment when I uttered (internally) that powerful word: “enough!”
It was like giving the universe new orders … confidently, there were new rules of how people and situations would engage with me.
Already a student of spiritual “tools,” I dove all-in, learning and changing my game forever!
Imagine viewing life through a lens that turns boulders into stepping stones? That rethinks set-backs as nothing more than life experiences?
Imagine establishing boundaries that have others supporting who you are, where you’re going, and yet everyone benefits.
What would happen if your spin on life could turn negatives into positives? Turning your strength (within) unstoppable.
“I wasn’t really naked. I simply didn’t have any clothes on.” ~ Josephine Baker
Objective …
I heard it say that we all want the same things in life: loving relationships, meaningful friendships, fulfilling careers, peace, harmony.
“The very best thing you can do for the world is to make the most of yourself.”
~~ Wallace D. Wattles
What would your life look like when your mindset is set to unconditional happiness? Boundless success? Peace for all? Harmony in every facet?
Imagine magnetizing the things that make you happy, not just visualization, but by actually having the inner strength to take the reins of your life. What would life look like?
So, let’s give YOUR story a new ending?
“Renée shined light on what was hard to look at while teaching me ‘tools’ to help me cope. She has helped me unravel core issues that had kept me wounded for years. Renée is more than a healer … she’s an intuitive mentor, coach and now a friend.” ~ CFD
My Mission …
To show you how to sit at the helm of your ship navigating through business, health and life.
By mastering simple maneuvers that lead to BIG wins.
I consider myself the facilitator to help you crank up your “it”.
So, what’s been in your way?
Clarity? Fear? An old story? Blame? Sabotage?
Breakthrough to Happiness’ is more than a title of a course. It can be a reality … YOUR reality!”~ Renée Stern
Believing in yourself, building an unshakable foundation, taking action in spite of opposition, are visionary success models. Doubt me? Think iPhones, electricity, trains, planes, automobiles.
It’s your turn. The world is waiting for your gifts!
Having assisted countless people (including A-List Hollywood) move past their struggles, to cut through the weeds, to shine their light, is the bullseye of an inspired & fulfilled life.
(Some of their struggles, I might add, were on a deep, deep level. Our work together is completely confidential.)

My years of metaphysical and intuitive training, sprinkled with NY moxie (as I’ve been told), and a no-B.S. spin on reality, gets us reaching for the stars where breakthroughs happen.
And within that truth, you’ll find your deepest essence. As said in the Bible: ‘the truth will set you free’.
Living with passion, and living on purpose, is groundbreaking and what makes us bound out of bed each morning.
For my birthday, my wife bought me a couple of sessions with Renée which has turned into an on-going collaborative journey. As I’ve pushed through childhood ‘wounds,’ I’ve gained insight (as a strategy) ultimately creating ‘new’ norms in both business and life. Team-building is important in manifesting wealth. Renée is on my team! ” ~ J.J.
Purpose …
Students, clients, and beautiful souls who allow me to work with them often seek solutions, clarification, direction, guidance, and/or a partner to help them in:
- BUSINESS: Imagine having the ability to peek-behind-the-curtain to see what your opponents are up to! Going into meetings, armed with information, that allows you to take strides forward, is a benefit of metaphysical work. Clients have shared they’ve experienced having the edge in negotiations that have led to massive surges in revenue!
- HEALTH & WELL-BEING: Although I’m a believer in modern medicine, I also believe our current health care model is to manage sickness vs finding ways to avoid it. I’ve watched metaphysical healings level off issues — and, perhaps even more importantly, the underlining causes.
- PERSONAL: The ripple-effects of family dynamics, family secrets, deep-seated wounds is a reality for many. Together, we can unravel the layers and wounds. so that you’re not wearing it 24/7.
When I help others get back on track … and productive, I know I’m on purpose!” ~ Renée Stern
We also feature expert interviews, workshops, guided meditations, web & teleclasses, where we share industry secrets and special training. We’ll teach you “tools” to gain the clarity and confidence that build dreams, on your terms. Lectures have included:
- Completing Karma to Create Karma
- Balance Lunacy in a Crazy World
- Creating Boundaries (Without Destroying Everything and Everyone In Your Path)
- The 8-Week Chakra Healing Blueprint
- Releasing Grief and Healing Loss
- What Secrets is Your Aura Revealing About YOU
- Working Your Archetypes to be Your Best Self
- Overcoming the Pitfalls of the Law of Attraction
- Dreams Workshop (Beginners & Advanced)
- Peel Away at Family Dynamics & Family Secrets
- Deprogramming Tribal Agreements! Is it Time to Revise Yours?
- Finding the Amusing Side of Situations (‘Cause Life Just Needs That Sometimes)
Schedule a Private Reading or Business or House Healing by clicking here for an appointment. (Let me know your availability and a couple of words of what’s on your mind).
Intuitive Strategies to Realize Solutions, Promote Transformation, Magnetize Prosperity and Breathe Meaning into Every Aspect of Your Life.
About …
I help people “move” their energy!
Renée is a solutions-driven intuit who shares her innate ability to help others embrace new outcomes.
Reacting to things with less of a ‘charge‘, is a process worth acquiring.
It’s not about sugar-coating next-step strategies, it’s about hearing the lesson and allowing new information to guide you. And then set your sights on actionable next steps.
Along with being a gifted intuit, teacher of meditation, hands-on healer, a minister, a consultant, an author and coach, Renée’s path included travel writing and a stint in the financial industry. Although, her favorite role has always been Mom.
The concept of “energy” is an interesting one. We pick it up wherever we go. At the supermarket, driving on the freeway, social media, joggers passing our home. Even our own thoughts could easily align us with what’s in our best interest … or whack us out of balance?
And when you’re not in balance, it doesn’t take much else to derail the day.
One of my biggest take-away’s in life was the day I recognized that no matter what, no matter how dark the day, I’ve always come out standing.” ~ Renée Stern
Do you want to own your life? Or does it own you? Invest in yourself, reap the rewards.
“Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.” ~ J.K. Rowling
Become the change you seek.
Life gets interesting when you find your Passion … your Purpose … the “What” you were put on this earth to do.
You can either scratch the surface of your inner bling. Or you can LIVE IT!
You can contact or book Renée via e-mail or follow her on Twitter or Facebook.
To Success in Business, Health & Life!
Tapping into Your Inner Bling! …. ~ Renée