Move Over New Year’s Resolutions …
At the gym today I noticed a crop of new faces. Yep … must be January! When resolution-makers come out in revitalized determination.

Which made me wonder: why wait to kick-off a new goal?
Sure, the symbolism of the first day of the year connotes a time to clean the slate, where you get a do-over, a fresh start.
But can’t that be done … ANY DAY?
Welcome to my world.
I’ve been playing in the mystical world of “metaphysical thinking” for over two decades now. But it wasn’t until I started learning and implementing the “tools,” intuitive tools, that life became a “new age“ game-changer.

“Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion. That’s had a big impact on my work.” ~~ Steve Jobs
So, O.K., there’s only one Steve Jobs. And, perhaps, your vision isn’t as lofty as connecting the world via a hand-held device.
Perhaps your vision is more aligned with living a life rich with peace, happiness, love, positive abundance — free of chaos & discord.
A Thread In Common
Although we all seek happiness in different ways, there’s often a wedge between where you are and … and where you want to be. Whether it’s finances, relationships, health (whatever) there could be a disconnect between these two points.
Sometimes the switch comes simply by “getting out of your own way.” Sometimes, it goes deeper. And that’s where “tools” come in. Whether you’re building a house or creating a new-self, possibilities are boundless when you know … and utilize … the right “tools”.
So … Do Dreams Really Come True?
What if I was to tell you there is a formula.
Set-backs, old-programming, doubts, fear don’t have to define you. And the best part of all of this is that we don’t have to wait ’till New Year’s to get the party started.
Are you ready to create your new beginning?
What the heck is a Mock-up?
The beautiful Esther Hicks of the world might refer to this as “manifestation.” In my world, it’s the next generation.
A “mock-up” is a picture with a blueprint. It goes beyond a vision board or woo-woo directives. It designs that thing you want and tells the universe how you want it. Another way of saying it is a “mock-up” is a “tool” … an energetic tool … that helps create … and deliver … a goal, a wish, life to your specification.
What are some examples worth mocking up? A new job or career, a mate, a new living situation, a gift, more confidence, improved health, something that benefits your kids, a bigger bank account, happiness, harmony, and anything else that serves you.
And then, of course, you may have to take action. Want a new mate, update your dating profile and get yourself out there. You can wish upon every star in the galaxy, but if no one knows you exist, you may just be creating a pipe dream. Want to picnic in London’s Hyde Park, you may have to board a plane, train, bus, automobile if you don’t live down the street.
Life typically does not just drop out of the sky! Which I’ve always seen as the big lie of the “law of attraction.”
So combining mock-up with, what I call, the law of taking action, sympatico may unfold before your eyes.
How to do a Mockup?
You create a picture in your minds eye, visualizing the results in as much detail as creatively possible. Let’s say you want a new job. Sit in a comfy chair, close your eyes, and visualize what that would feel and look like. See it in 3D. If you don’t have a specific company in mind, then create a visual of the enviornment you will thrive in. Do you have a desk? A corner office? Work from home? Will you interact with co-workers? What does that look like? This is a form of meditation. And doing so, 15-20 minutes a day, is not a bad thing to add to your routine.
But there’s a secret, which I will share below, of just the right amount of time needed to create your mockup, your visual, i.e., your destiny.
Couple that with taking the necessary steps, when needed, i.e., do you need a degree or an updated resume? Do you need to attend community functions or to get in front of the right people? Do you need to move to a different location? And so on.
Enjoy the journey. In the words of visionary Walt Disney …
“If you can dream it, you can do it.” ~~ Walt Disney
How many stories are there about it all starting with a vision.
There’s President John Kennedy’s audacious vision of putting a man on the moon. Henry Ford”s enterprising vision to build an automobile average Americans could afford. Sergey Brin and Larry Page’s collaberative vision to organize the world’s information, making it universally accessible and useful, resulting in a super handy tool, we’ve all grown dependent on, known as Google!
So, with no further ado, here are the FOUR EVERYDAY VISUALIZATION TOOLS to help you manifest life on your terms.
FOUR-STEPS TO MANIFESTING YOUR DREAMS (as taught by the late intuit healer, brilliant, trance medium teacher and clairvoyant John Fulton):

STEP 1: Knowing what you want. Sounds simple, right? Ultimately, this is not the time to be indecisive. (Studies indicate that those capable of identifying fields of interest early on, have a better chance at winning at the game of life).
That’s not to say you can’t change course or course correct. Choosing a path with a clearly-defined action, is a great starting point. And then be specific.
So telling the universe “I want more money” is simply too vague. More specific: “I want to double my income within the next six months,” is better. One-up that with: “Within the next three months, I will self-publish four books on (fill in the blank with your specialty) that will help (entrepreneurs or whomever) build their (businesses or whatever). My books will become #1 best sellers on Amazon (within 3 weeks) and sell (20) copies daily.” Now, that is a clear and defined visual both you … and the universe … can chomp on. Of course, now get to work to provide ass-kicking products the market will want.
Insider Tip: Napoleon Hill, in his widely acclaimedThink & Grow Rich,shares that goals are far more powerful when there’s a timeline attached to them.
STEP 2: Being able to create it. So now, here’s where you close your eyes, take a deep breath, and visualize one thing that you want. See it in full 3D detail and as if you already have it. What does it feel like? Is there a color? A shape?
If it’s money you want, see yourself with an abundant bank account, taking your family on vacations, tipping waiters, traveling first class. Visualize how life feels with financial security. Visualize making generous charitable donations. (Maybe even have a building named after you!) Visualize lots of “toys.” Enjoy that feeling of financial peace of mind.

Now, are there precise, consistent actions you could take so the universe can bring those funds to you? (It doesn’t have to be hard work. That sounds like old programming. More on that in another piece!)
Insider Tip: It’s said, hold those visions (of what you want) in your mind’s eye for 18-21 seconds and you’re halfway there. (More on that, too, in another post.)
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STEP 3: Now this is a big step and one many don’t consider. To receive your mockup, you’ve got to be “there” when it arrives. O.K., so what does that mean? It’s more than just being “present” in life. More than just “showing up.” You’ve also got to be “available”. (Eckhart Tolle tackles this in his epic Power of Now.) Do you live in the moment? Or the past? Or the future? Are you “present” when the kids or boss speak to you? Or are you distracted by thoughts from earlier conversations or shiny objects or chores undone?

The point here is you can “wish” all you want, but if you’re not “available” when it arrives, it will pass you by. Are you out in left field when the ball is hit down center plate?
Example: so you want to manifest a new love. But you haven’t said sayonara to the old love. Therefore, how available are you really when new-love shows up? If you don’t make room for the new, it’s got nowhere to land when it arrives. Now you could argue love may come your way anyway. What we’re talking about here is increasing your odds for optimum possibilities. Opening the playing field also clears out the mind, body and soul for the next, or perhaps best, love of your life.
Insider Tip: If you don’t make space to receive your mock-up (your visual), it WILL likely arrive … to the opened arms of someone else.
STEP 4: Being able to “have” it. This step is the pièce de résistance that pulls it all together. So now you know what you want (Step 1), you can picture it clearly (Step 2), and you’re available (Step 3). But are you able to “have” it? Are there obstacles, blocks, internal turmoil, insecurities holding you back from having “it”?

“Havingness,” or your ability to “have,” that which you desire, is a process and the granddaddy to personal and professional growth. If old programming or doubts (of self-worth) creep in (and they will), all that you’ve worked on creating may slip through your fingers like an icicle. Without your ability to “have”whatever it is you want solidly intact, all your wishes, goals, desires, and efforts could evaporate.
Now, depending on your story, there may be lots of layers to peel away before unraveling your ability to “have.”
But it’s doable.
Tony Robbins, John Assaraf, Harv Eker all talk about breaking through fears. Even if you have to fake it to make it. You’ve come this far, do what is necessary to be able to “have” it.
I’ve worked with men and women, entrepreneurs, home-makers, the gamut, and peeling back the curtain on old wounds, blocks, inner torment is a process … and soooo worth the journey.
In my classes and private sessions, we go for the fix. But for now, take a deep breath, and see yourself being able to “have” that which you want. Push through fears and see yourself enjoying that missing component right now.
You got this!
By thought, the thing you want is brought to you. By action, you receive it. ~~ Wallace D. Wattles
So to recap the four steps to creating dreams into a reality:
- Know what you want.
- Picture it clearly in your mind.
- Be present or it will land somewhere else.
- Open your arms … and heart … to receive.
So I invite you to create your New Year’s resolutions … any old time of the year.
And, yes, I do invite you to join me as I walk you through these steps in guided-meditative classes available over the phone and through Zoom.
Intuitive Strategiz-ing is my passion. What’s yours?
Breaking through the barriers to a transformed soul
… in Business, Health & Life …
Practical Applications of Spiritual Tools
To Fuel Your Growth and Connect
With Your Purpose
To Shining Your Light …
Renée, Intuitive Strategist, Trainer, Coach